Annabelle Firlej, researcher

Annabelle Firlej

Researcher, Ph.D.

450 653-7368
ext 363

Contact Annabelle Firlej


Annabelle Firlej (Ph.D) earned a doctorate in biology from Université du Québec à Montréal in 2007 and then worked for 6 years as a postdoctoral fellow at Institut de recherche en biologie végétale (IRBV) on various projects related to biological control, invasive exotic species, and the impact of climate change on insects. A researcher at IRDA since 2017, she develops entomology research projects that address issues faced by berry, cranberry, and apple growers. She brings her skill set to bear by facilitating the creation of productive partnerships and developing new areas of expertise that benefit growers.

Area(s) of Expertise

  • Biology and ecology of crop pests and natural enemies
  • Molecular identification of insects
  • Biological control
  • Invasive exotic species
  • Climate change
  • Berry and apple production

Related research project(s)

2020-2022 • Fruit production

The complementarity of commercially available predators in controlling spotted wing drosophila in organic day-neutral strawberry crops

Evaluation of the effectiveness of various predator combinations in controlling spotted wing drosophilia.

Researcher: Annabelle Firlej

Read more about the project

Annabelle Firlej
2020-2023 • Market gardening

Using seasonal tillage in combination with cover crops as a biological method to control cutworms in organic cruciferous crops

Evaluation of new practices to control cutworms in organic vegetable production.

Researchers: Annabelle Firlej Maxime Lefebvre

Read more about the project

Annabelle Firlej
Maxime Lefebvre
2019-2023 • Fruit production

Out-of-soil cultivation of organic long cane raspberries

Development of a growing out-of-soil organic raspberries in high tunnels protocol in a profitable and competitive manner with a view to selling products locally or to large retail chains.

Researcher: Annabelle Firlej

Read more about the project

Annabelle Firlej
2019-2022 • Market gardening

Developing mass trapping strategies to control the striped cucumber beetle in organic cucurbit farming

This project aims to develop mass trapping strategies to keep damage caused by the striped cucumber beetle populations below the economic threshold, while minimizing the capture of pollinators and natural enemies.

Researchers: Annabelle Firlej Maxime Lefebvre

Read more about the project

Annabelle Firlej
Maxime Lefebvre
2019-2021 • Fruit production

Assessing the effectiveness of HARVANTA (cyclaniliprole) in controlling major cranberry pests

This project’s aim is to evaluate the effectiveness of HARVANTA® 50SL to control the cranberry weevil, the blackheaded fireworm and the cranberry fruitworm.

Researcher: Annabelle Firlej

Read more about the project

Annabelle Firlej
2019-2020 • Fruit production

Developing transfer tools to promote good integrated pest management practices for Spotted Wing Drosophila

This update will incorporate information from more recent scientific articles on Spotted Wing Drosophila

Researcher: Annabelle Firlej

Read more about the project

Annabelle Firlej


See also

Catherine Pouchet

Research Assistant

450 653-7368
ext 343

See more

Maryse Leblanc

Researcher, agr., Ph.D.

See more

Kim Ostiguy, laboratory technician

Kim Ostiguy

Laboratory Technician

450 653-7368
ext 367

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