Researcher, agr., M.Sc.
418 643-2380
ext 430
Sap flow analysis was developed in France in the 1980s and can be used very effectively to measure the rate of transpiration through tree trunks in woody species such as apple. This method is also used in forestry in Québec, including by researchers at Université Laval.
The hypothesis was that it should be possible to measure sap flow in apple trees and correlate it with soil water conditions and the weather. This is the first time this method has been used for apples in Québec.
From 2017 to 2018
Project duration
Fruit production
Activity areas
This study of how apple tree sap flow relates to soil moisture and weather conditions is a first in Québec.
Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec | Ferme Avicole Orléans
This project tests cost-effective organic fertilization strategies for summer strawberries on plastic.
Researcher: Christine Landry
The main aim of this project is to test a bacterial detection technique developed in Austria that consists of quantifying inoculum carried by bees.
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Improving the RIMpro software to better predict the risk of infection during rainfall.
Researcher: Vincent Philion