Controlling codling moth through mating disruption

Daniel Cormier, researcher

Daniel Cormier

Researcher, Ph.D.

450 653-7368
ext 360

Contact Daniel Cormier


In collaboration with apple advisors, we will continue to implement the use of mating disruption against codling moth across Quebec. To do this, we will organize and carry out training and information activities for advisers and apple growers. We will also offer agronomic support for the use of the mating disruption control method in orchards.

Data on CP harvest damage and codling moth insecticide applications and associated risks will continue to be collected. They will be incorporated into the results of project PV-3.2-2015-004, entitled "Large-scale use of mating disruption against the codling moth (Cydia pomonella) in Quebec orchards" and the results of the previous mandate in order to have an environmental portrait over more than 7 years.


The mandate consists of coordinating and consolidating the use of the codling moth mating disruption control method. The objective is to increase the percentage of adoption of codling moth mating disruption, in number of apple orchard businesses in Quebec or in areas in production, to 35% at the end of the first year, to 40% at the end of the second year and 45% at the end of the mandate.

From 2020 to 2023

Project duration

Fruit production

Activity areas

Pest, weed, and disease control


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