Each year, IRDA's R&D Team conducts more than one hundred research projects in sustainable agriculture. What's more, IRDA is working with Quebec's key agricultural stakeholders to find concrete solutions.
This project was aimed at identifying and incorporating biological indicators into decision support tools used to assist producers and agroenvironmental regulatory bodies seeking to preserve soil productivity and use sustainable production systems.
Researcher: Richard Hogue
The project consists of evaluating soil degradation based on representative samples taken in Québec’s main soil regions and parent materials.
Researchers: Marc-Olivier Gasser Claude Bernard Catherine Bossé
The project compared the nitrogen uptake effects of green manure crops grown for a full season, in association with a main crop, or after it is harvested.
Researchers: Aubert Michaud, retraité Marc-Olivier Gasser Maryse Leblanc
The project was designed to assess the profitability of various types of cover crops and planting methods at the farm level.
Researcher: Luc Belzile
IRDA was in charge of conducting the economic analysis for this project carried out by Club agroenvironnemental de l’Estrie (CAE Estrie).
Researcher: Luc Belzile
This project was carried out by Club agroenvironnemental de l’Estrie and IRDA was in charge of conducting the economic analysis.
Researcher: Luc Belzile
The aim of this project was to consolidate current scientific knowledge with a view to developing a spatially referenced tool to predict diffuse sediment, nitrogen, and phosphorus exports at the farm and watershed scale.
Researcher: Aubert Michaud, retraité
The project evaluated and compared the effectiveness of two types of subsoil plows (mounted on a bulldozer or a tractor) operated parallel and perpendicular to the tile drains to improve soil drainage conditions and productivity compared to control plots.
Researcher: Marc-Olivier Gasser
and quality of soil, water, and air
of local communities by improving the quality of crop and livestock production, with an emphasis on animal welfare
of crop and livestock production