Researcher, Ph.D.
450 653-7368
ext 360
Researcher, agr., Ph.D.
450 653-7368
ext 340
To maintain and enhance environmental and health gains, this project will develop a strategy for biological control of the obliquebanded leafroller in orchards where mating disruption is being used against the codling moth.
The initial phase of the project will involve fine-tuning applications of the parasitoid Trichogramma minutum so that releases to control OBLR are uniform and cost effective.
In the second phase we will assess the obliquebanded leafroller populations in a number of Québec orchards.
In the third phase we will compare three strategies for controlling the obliquebanded leafroller that combine crop practices, a Bacillus thuringiensis var. kustaki (Bt) insecticide, and the inundative release of Trichogramma minutum into commercial orchards already using mating disruption against the codling moth.
From 2019 to 2022
Project duration
Fruit production
Activity areas
Pest, weed, and disease control, Organic farming
Compared with insecticide applications, this method reduces the risks to human health and the environment.
Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec | Agro-Pomme
Research report • Daniel Cormier, Franz Vanoosthuyse, Audrey Charbonneau
Cormier, D., Vanoosthuyse, F. et Charbonneau, A. 2022. . DownloadSummary sheet • Franz Vanoosthuyse, Audrey Charbonneau, Daniel Cormier
Vanoosthuyse, F., Charbonneau, A., Cormier, D. et coll. 2022. . DownloadDeveloping and assessing the planting of flower strips in orchard inter-rows as an alternative to the application of insecticides.
Researchers: Daniel Cormier Gérald Chouinard
This online training platform will help improve technical support for Québec apple growers by furthering the training of new consultants.
Researchers: Daniel Cormier Gérald Chouinard
Acquiring the knowledge needed to develop an attract-and-kill treatment to control current and future stinkbug populations in Québec apple orchards.
Researchers: Gérald Chouinard Daniel Cormier