Control of the striped cucumber beetle in organic cucurbit production


The striped cucumber beetle is the main pest of crops in the cucumber family. Apart from feeding on foliage, it is a vector of bacterial wilt, a disease that can kill the plants. Striped cucumber beetle abundance, bacterial wilt incidence, plant mortality, and yield on plots seeded with spaghetti squash sprayed with BioCérès were evaluated and compared to data from control plots. In summer 2015, the following bioinsecticides were tested: BioCérès by Anatis Bioprotection and Grandevo® and Venerate™ by Marrone Bio Innovations.


  • Determine the efficacy of various pest control products on the striped cucumber beetle on organic cucurbit crops

From 2014 to 2018

Project duration

Market gardening

Activity areas

Pest, weed, and disease control, Organic farming


IRDA is able to assess the effectiveness of a variety of biopesticides for many types of crops.


Growing Forward 2

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