Researcher, agr., Ph.D.
418 643-2380
ext 650
Nutrient balance sheets (NBS) are used to estimate phosphorus loads produced by rearing facilities, but currently are not recognized in the Agricultural Operations Regulation (AOR). A project was set up in cooperation with Fédération des producteurs d’oeufs du Québec and a number of producers to test the nutrient balance sheet method as a tool for estimating phosphorus output from pullets and laying hens in case the AOR is amended. The project consisted of evaluating the phosphorus retention factor, the accuracy of the method, and “sensitive” parameters, and generating test criteria for producers. A guide presenting and explaining the results was published along with the necessary training materials.
From 2016 to 2018
Project duration
Livestock production
Activity areas
Water protection, Fertilizer management, Environmental regulations
This project will provide growers with a tool to estimate phosphorus discharge from their farms.
Quebec Reference Center for Agriculture and Agri-food
Project to limit the spread of disease and improve biosecurity protocols on farms through improved understanding of emissions and alternate spreading techniques.
Researchers: Patrick Brassard Stéphane Godbout
This project will draw recommendations to reduce fugitive emissions through technical means or agricultural practices.
One of the project objectives is to calculate GHG emissions in various beef production systems based on the results of a literature, methodology, and database review.
Researcher: Stéphane Godbout