Hydrologic response to soil physical condition within Pot-au-beurre and Saint-Germain rivers

Simon Ricard


418 643-2380
ext 691

Contact Simon Ricard


The project supports the analysis and evaluation of techniques to improve the water retention capacity of soils and water infiltration in order to limit flood peaks and sediment and nutrient loads of streams. 'water. The project's approach consists in projecting the evolution of the hydrological responses of the Pot-au-beurre and the Saint-Germain rivers (Centre-du-Québec), in improvement of cropping systems and the physical condition of the soils of their watersheds, under current and future climatic conditions. The project is based on both field and river measurement devices, as well as hydrological modeling at the scale of watersheds, coupled with historical and future climate scenarios.


The specific objectives of the project are to:

  1. Evaluate in the field the effects of beneficial cropping systems on soil physical condition;
  2. Assess the effects of soil physical condition on the quantity and quality of surface runoff and drainage water;
  3. Project through hydrological modeling the effects of alternative cropping and land-use systems on the hydrological responses of the watershed;
  4. Project the interaction between climate change and the introduction of alternative crop and land management scenarios on hydrological responses.

From 2021 to 2024

Project duration

Water protection



  • MAPAQ, PALCCA - Prog. Appui à la lutte aux changements climatiques
  • Producteurs agricoles :
    • Urbain Swennen
    • Daniel Tougas

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