Researcher, P.Eng., agr., Ph.D.
418 643-2380
ext 600
The overall objective of this study is to create a cheap, effective, ecofriendly alternative to the use of antibiotics on chicken farms by developing a new formula using yeasts, enzymes, and organic acids.
From 2013 to 2018
Project duration
Livestock production
Activity areas
Animal welfare, Food safety and quality
IRDA works to create alternatives to the use of antibiotics on chicken farms.
Institut national de la recherche scientifique - Centre Eau, Terre et Environnement (INRS-ETE)
This project addresses the risks posed by new breeding practices that were developed to improve animal welfare.
Researcher: Stéphane Godbout
This project was set up to test the nutrient balance sheet method as a tool for estimating phosphorus output from pullets and laying hens.
Researcher: Marc-Olivier Gasser
Project to determine the real value of the phosphorus load associated with bison production in Québec.
Researcher: Stéphane Godbout