Antimicrobial resistance genes in bioaerosols: Distribution and characteristics in Canadian urban and rural areal

Patrick Brassard, research assistant

Patrick Brassard

Researcher in agroenvironmental engineering

418 643-2380
ext 601

Contact Patrick Brassard

Stéphane Godbout

Researcher, P.Eng., agr., Ph.D.

418 643-2380
ext 600

Contact Stéphane Godbout


This proposal is part of a large-scale project (4 years, $1 million) which focuses on the risks posed by the spreading of manure on the biosecurity of farms, but also on the human health of workers and neighboring populations. as well as emissions to the environment. Considering the nature of the contaminants present in slurry and manure when it is spread (bioaerosols, dust, odours, etc.), the research team claims that there is a considerable health risk (resistant genes) in the communities rural areas when spreading on agricultural land. In addition, we believe that it is possible to limit the spread of disease on farms and improve biosecurity protocols with a better knowledge of emissions and an adaptation of spreading techniques accordingly.


In order to assess and reduce the risks to the biosecurity of farms due to the spreading of pig slurry and cattle manure, the project specifically aims to:

  1. Quantify fugitive emissions following spreading with current equipment.
  2. Evaluate the biosecurity risks associated with these emissions and make recommendations regarding the equipment to be preferred and the separation distances between farms.
  3. Assess the effect of new solid manure spreading equipment on emissions.

From 2020 to 2024

Project duration

Livestock production

Activity areas

Air quality, Fertilizer management



Université Laval/IUCPQ et CRSNG Frontier-découverte.

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