Researcher, agr., Ph.D.
418 643-2380
ext 640
This was a companion project to a study started in 2015 in a matted row strawberry field with a history of decline. The objective was to check whether organic matter (compost and organic fertilizer) inputs or biostimulants (compared to mineral fertilizers alone) can improve soil health and result in more vigorous plants less susceptible to decline. The initial two-year study covered the year the strawberries were planted (2015) and the first year of fruit production (2016). As funds for the initial project were limited, “classic” disease monitoring was used. However given the results in year 1 and thanks to additional funding, the second year of production (2017) was included in the study. This allowed us to test the potential effects of the treatments on soil and plant health and productivity as it enabled us to apply the biostimulants two years in a row rather than just once. The organic matter added at planting also had an additional year to interact with the soil. Compost in particular is known for its long term effect because it decomposes more slowly than organic matter that is less resistant to mineralization, such as pelleted chicken manure. The disease aspect was also studied in more depth. State-of-the-art biotech analysis tools developed and made available by IRDA’s microbial ecology lab were used to analyze the abundance and diversity of beneficial and pathogenic microorganisms on plants and in the soil in both production years. Inclusion of the second year of production also enabled a more robust and comprehensive economic analysis.
From 2017 to 2018
Project duration
Fruit production
Activity areas
Soil health, Fertilizer management
This project assesses the effects of commercial products.
Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec | Réseau de lutte intégrée Bellechasse | Ferme Marivil
The aim of this project was to test the general hypothesis that exclusion nets, when properly used, can prevent attacks by most apple pests and reduce disease incidence with no major adverse effects on fruit quality.
Researcher: Gérald Chouinard
The project’s overall goal is to slow the arrival of Spotted Wing Drosophila in crop plots using mass trapping at overwintering sites.
Researcher: Annabelle Firlej
Developing a new scab control strategy based on selecting the lowest-risk products that best fit the circumstances at hand, and tailoring the doses accordingly.
Researcher: Vincent Philion