Researcher, agr., M.Sc.
418 643-2380
ext 430
Using sound irrigation management to control frost and water stress in lowbush blueberry helps stabilize yield while minimizing environmental impacts. Given that climate change may affect water budgets and flower-frost, fruit-frost synchronization, we need to enhance our knowledge to support decison-making on whether to invest in the required infrastructure.
From 2015 to 2019
Project duration
Fruit production
Activity areas
This project will help growers decide whether or not to invest in irrigation infrastructure.
Growing Forward 2 | Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec | Innov'Action Programme | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada | Syndicat des producteurs de bleuets du Québec | Ouranos | Université du Québec à Chicoutimi | Ferme Forestière Paul Grenon & Fils | Bleuetière des Blanc
Validation and adaptation of pest and disease monitoring and decision support tools.
Researcher: Annabelle Firlej
The Apple Phytosanitary Warning Network.
Researchers: Gérald Chouinard Vincent Philion Daniel Cormier
The project’s overall goal is to slow the arrival of Spotted Wing Drosophila in crop plots using mass trapping at overwintering sites.
Researcher: Annabelle Firlej