418 643-2380
ext 691
Researcher, agr., Ph.D.
418 643-2380
ext 650
Two study components are proposed to assess the effects of soil degradation and cropping systems on agricultural watercourses. A first part of a study in instrumented micro-basins carried out at the IRDA experimental station in Saint-Lambert-de-Lauzon measures the effects of soil degradation and the type of crop on crop productivity, hydrology surface and underground, as well as on the quality of the water, according to a controlled system. A second part of the study at the scale of the sub-watershed (3-30 km2) takes advantage of historical data from the IRDA study network in twin agricultural basins (1997-2019) in order to project, under different conditions of land use and topography, the effects of cropping systems and soil conservation practices on floods, sediment flows and nutrient loads in rivers, following an approach coupling analysis and hydrological modeling.
The main objective of the project is to describe the impact of cropping systems and the phenomenon of soil compaction on hydrological responses at the field scale, and to project these effects on stream flows, at the watershed scale.
The specific objectives are to:
From 2020 to 2023
Project duration
Soil health, Water protection
Université Laval
Development of a method for estimating low/ecological flows in the context of culvert development taking into account the impact of climate change.
Researcher: Simon Ricard
Quantification of the scale of soil displacement and net sediment production in the past 50 years for various soil textures and compare these results with those generated by modeling the watershed with SWAT.
Researcher: Claude Bernard
The project consisted of setting up and operating six hydrometric stations in the Riviére Bullstrode watershed.
Researcher: Aubert Michaud, retraité