Researcher, agr., Ph.D.
418 643-2380
ext 640
According to a study released in 2007 by Groupe AGECO on issues in the vegetable production industry, 80% of producers manage post harvest residues and 38% are very concerned about environmental standards in this regard. Potato producers are no exception. Managing potato residues is particularly problematic due to their large quantity. (65,000/yr.) Because of their water content, they cannot be composted, and stockpiling them involves significant environmental and phytosanitary risks. Managing potato residues is therefore a big challenge, which will only increase with the enforcement of the Québec Residual Materials Waste Management Policy. This will put increased pressure on the agricultural community to use external residual materials that will compete with on-farm waste. So it is essential that potato residues are well positioned on the organic waste market. To this end, the residues must be transformed, using an available, low-cost process, into a product that is easy to store, transport, and handle and has recognized value as feed, fertilizer, or a source of energy.
From 2014 to 2017
Project duration
Market gardening
Activity areas
Waste conversion
This work will add economic and agronomic value to residual materials.
Innov'Action | Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec | Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Research report • Christine Landry, Mylène Marchand-Roy, Caroline Côté, Stéphane Godbout, Luc Belzile, Richard Hogue
Landry, C., M. Marchand-Roy, C. Côté, S. Godbout, D. Cinq-Mars, L. Belzile, R. Hogue. 2017. Évaluation du potentiel de valorisation de résidus granulés de pommes de terre à la ferme pour les filières alimentation animale, fertilisation et énergie. IRDA. 27 p. DownloadResearch report • Christine Landry, Mylène Marchand-Roy, Caroline Côté, Stéphane Godbout, Luc Belzile, Richard Hogue
Landry, C., M. Marchand-Roy, C. Côté, S. Godbout, L. Belzile, R. Hogue, D. Cinq-Mars. 2017. Rapport de recherche - Évaluation du potentiel de valorisation de résidus granulés de pommes de terre à la ferme pour les filières fertilisation, alimentation animale et énergie. IRDA. 109 p. DownloadEvaluation of the potential of drones to optimize trichogramma releases against the European corn borer on processing sweet corn in Québec.
This project involved an exhaustive survey of viruses, phytoplasma, fungi, and nematodes in nurseries and strawberry fields to determine the exact causes of strawberry decline disease in Québec.
Researcher: Richard Hogue
The aim of this project was to set up a support service to equip producers and others in the industry to improve their irrigation management.
Researcher: Carl Boivin