As part of an integrated pest control program, the company Les Serres Rosaire Pion & fils launched an innovative project on the use of flower strips in potted perennial production. A section of a single species of perennial sensitive to thrips damage (e.g., Hemerocallis Stella de Oro) was selected. Large containers of plant media measuring about 1 ft. by 5 ft. were seeded with plant species that attract natural enemies of thrips (especially the predatory bug Orius) such as certain species in the Aster family (e.g. calendula). A bed of the same perennial, located at least 50 m away, served as a control (without flower strips).
From 2016 to 2017
Project duration
Pest, weed, and disease control
This project will help reduce the use of insecticides.
Les Serres Rosaire Pion et Fils | Institut québécois du développement de l'horticulture ornementale | Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec
The project generated scientific knowledge to produce bio-oil from rapid pyrolysis using plastic residues.
Researcher: Stéphane Godbout
Hydrologic response to soil physical condition within Pot-au-beurre and Saint-Germain rivers.
Researcher: Simon Ricard
Quantitative and qualitative study of maple syrup production wastewater.
Researcher: Stéphane Godbout