Researcher, P.Eng., agr., Ph.D.
418 643-2380
ext 600
Researcher, agr., Ph.D.
450 653-7368
ext 310
In the first phase of the project, researchers identified and documented practices, techniques, and technologies that can be used to improve overall environmental performance, animal welfare, and the quality of the animals’ living environment.
The second phase is focused on comparing the effectiveness of the most promising practices, techniques, and technologies.
The tests are being carried out at the BABE laboratory at IRDA. A battery of statistical analyses are being used to extract as much information as possible. A feasibility study will look at implementation issues and confirm the lab results.
An economic analysis will be conducted based on the data. The information will be disseminated through additions to the documents already available on the website of the Québec egg producer federation.
From 2017 to 2019
Project duration
Livestock production
Activity areas
Animal welfare
This project aims to identify practices that improve environmental performance, as well as animal welfare and living environments.
Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec | Fédération des producteurs d’oeufs de consommation du Québec | Université Laval (Faculté des sciences de l'agriculture et de l'alimentation et Faculté des sciences et de génie) | Université de Montréal (Faculté de médecine vétérinaire)
When designing tanks, the total volume of material to be stored must be calculated. This guide provides a comprehensive calculation method that takes into account volumes of bedding added as well as feed and water losses.
Researcher: Stéphane Godbout
This project will evaluate labour productivity and identify best practices and recommendations to boost the pork industry competitiveness.
Researcher: Luc Belzile
This project will gather and share up-to-date information on new techniques and critical points related to the construction of farm buildings and their sustainability.
Researcher: Stéphane Godbout