Using carbohydrate-balance bioclimatic modelling to develop carbaryl-free apple fruit thinning strategies

Vincent Philion, researcher

Vincent Philion

Researcher, agr., M.Sc.

450 653-7368
ext 350

Contact Vincent Philion


The model’s predictions will be used to calibrate the dose of a thinning agent (ANA) to be applied in two plots, one treated with carbaryl and the other without, over a two-year period. The agent will be tested under Québec’s climatic conditions to ensure that the technology can be transferred to growers.


  • Integrate this model into agro-meteorological decision-support tools available in Québec, such as CIPRA and Agrométéo Québec, that automate calculations and make results available in real time to a wider audience of apple growers.

From 2019 to 2020

Project duration

Fruit production

Activity areas

Pest, weed, and disease control


This project will enhance the decision-making tools available to apple growers.


Producteurs de pommes du Québec

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