Researcher, agr., Ph.D.
418 643-2380
ext 640
The total area planted to beets in Québec has been increasing in recent years. Over 650 hectares of beets were grown in 2011. Yet no fertilization chart had been developed specifically for this crop. The chart in use was not based on scientific trials and was a general chart for beets and radishes. Industry stakeholders estimated that the recommended nitrogen dose of 11 kg N/ha was not sufficient to cover the crops needs. Furthermore, there was no scientifically validated data on phosphorus doses to help extension agents manage the environmental constraints in the Agricultural Operations Regulation (AOR). Therefore it was important to conduct NPK fertilizer trials on this crop.
From 2013 to 2018
Project duration
Market gardening
Activity areas
Fertilizer management, Water protection, Soil health
Adequate beet crop fertilization will help boost the competitiveness of Québec growers, while preserving the quality of the environment.
Ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec
To increase the productivity of potato production systems and preserve soil quality, we need to enhance our knowledge of interactions among biological, physical, chemical, and agronomic characteristics of cultivated soils in various environments.
Researcher: Richard Hogue
Development of weeding strategies and methods that will reduce weed pressure on carrot crops, especially row-crop carrots, which appear to be the most problematic.
Researcher: Élise Smedbol
The selection of a cultivar should be an essential element in any sound irrigation management strategy. This project aims to optimize water use in potato farming.
Researcher: Carl Boivin