Climate change will encourage certain crop pests, increase the range of others, and allow exotic species to establish in Québec. Correctly identifying them is a challenge because certain pest groups require a molecular approach. Barcoding can be used to obtain DNA sequences from specimens kept in the official Québec government insect collection (MFFP-MAPAQ) and compare these sequences with those from field-caught specimens.
From 2015 to 2017
Project duration
Pest, weed, and disease control, Ecosystem protection
This project will help farmers deal with the emergence of new invasive insect pests in the context of climate change.
Ministère de l'Agriculture, des Pêcheries et de l'Alimentation du Québec | Prime-Vert Programme | Centre de recherche sur les grains
Summary sheet • Franz Vanoosthuyse, Daniel Cormier, Annabelle Firlej
Dieni A., F. Vanoosthuyse, D. Cormier, J.P. Légaré, M. Fréchette, A. Firlej. 2018. Amélioration des techniques d’identification moléculaires des ravageurs pour répondre aux besoins en diagnostic du secteur agricole dans le contexte des changements climatiques. IRDA. 2 p. DownloadThe project consisted of setting up and operating six hydrometric stations in the Riviére Bullstrode watershed.
Researcher: Aubert Michaud, retraité
The objective of project was to produce a biopesticide from the pyrolysis of agricultural waste.
Researcher: Stéphane Godbout
Quantification of the scale of soil displacement and net sediment production in the past 50 years for various soil textures and compare these results with those generated by modeling the watershed with SWAT.
Researcher: Claude Bernard