Stéphane Godbout in Turkey

April 18th, 2018

Presentation of a project concerning the impact of floor type on odour emissions in swine production

While Claude Bernard and Aubert Michaud were recently in Morocco to attend the Second Research Coordination Meeting on “Nuclear Techniques for a Better Understanding of the Impact of Climate Change on Soil Erosion in Upland Agro-ecosystems,” Stéphane Godbout just returned from a busy visit to Turkey.

In Antalya, a city in southern Turkey, Stéphane presented the results of his project concerning the impact of floor type on odour emissions in swine production at the World Congress of the International Commission on Agriculture and Biosystems Engineering held April 22 to 25, 2018.

As a representative of the Canadian Society for Bioengineering (CSBE) Stéphane also sits on the board of directors of the International Commission of Agricultural Engineering (CIGR, Commission internationale du génie rural). In connection with his roles at CSBE and CIGR, he took advantage of his visit to Turkey to promote the Fifth CIGR International Conference, whose theme is the integration of agriculture into society through engineering. The event will take place in Québec City in 2020, and Stéphane is responsible for assembling the organizing team and scientific program.