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Considering last summer’s meteorological conditions, is it still relevant to irrigate potato crops? During this seminar, Carl Boivin, IRDA researcher, will present 5 essential things to know before irrigating potatoes.
The Horticulture and Field Crop Days (Journées horticoles et grandes cultures) will take place in Saint-Rémi from December 4 to 7, 2018.
IRDA was well represented with five presentations on the work of research teams led by Gérald Chouinard, Daniel Cormier, Josée Boisclair, and Annabelle Firlej.
The Horticulture and Field Crop Day was held in Saint-Rémi from December 5 to 8, 2017 and many IRDA experts took part to the event as speakers.
Two IRDA researchers, Vincent Philion and Daniel Cormier, presented their work at Agropomme Technical Day (Journée technique d’Agropomme) held on December 19, 2017.
Researcher Annabelle Firlej participated in Berry Day on January 24, 2018.