Yet winter crops, which are highly popular in Ontario are penetrating Québec too. That’s especially true of wheat and new rye hybrids which can now increasingly seen in local fields prior to the first snowfall. Will 2020 Winter set a new record?
Article about muck soil erosion published by Agence Science-Presse (in French).
State-of-the-art mechanical tools, exclusion nets, and other pest control strategies will be showcased at five apple orchards through 2022. The growers have all agreed to set aside their usual protocols and try out some new techniques on a portion of their production.
The researcher Maryse Leblanc and a her research assistant Maxime Lefebve participated to the Phytoprotection day. They gave a talk entitled « Outils de désherbage mécanique et le robot OZ dans les cultures sarclées en rangs » at the CÉROM.
Here's an article written by one of our researchers, Stéphane Godbout, jointly with collaborators that has been published by La Terre de chez nous.
Article on the reseach led by researchers of IRDA about new crop pests in Québec fields (in French).