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Here's an article written by one of our researchers, Stéphane Godbout, jointly with collaborators that has been published by La Terre de chez nous.
Article on the reseach led by researchers of IRDA about new crop pests in Québec fields (in French).
The warm summer months are here and if they resemble the past two summers, we can expect periods of dry spells and the attendant headaches for Québec livestock feed producers in 2019. Given the situation, could irrigation serve as the best insurance policy for farmers ?
Four organizations are working together to bring rainbow smelt back in Boyer River.
Chemical fertilizers (also know as synthetic or mineral fertilizers) first made their appearance in the late 19th century, but their use is now more contentious than ever. Is it possible to simply abolish them?
Article on profitability of integrated pest management (in French).