Researcher, Ph.D.
450 653-7368
ext 321
The cruciferous and turnip flea beetle is the main species attacking cruciferous crops. Despite proper use of insect netting, growers often end up with flea beetle populations under the netting protecting their crucifers. The first objective of this study is to validate the insect's hibernation sites in organic vegetable farms in Quebec. The emergence of flea beetles will be monitored in 2022 on diversified organic farms using emergence cages placed on crop beds and on the edge of wooded areas. To reduce the use of bioinsecticides against flea beetles in crucifers, the fight by mass trapping under the nets is envisaged as the second objective of this project. This project aims to compare the effectiveness of various traps in capturing high densities of flea beetles under nets and to measure the risks associated with mass trapping on sensitive crops not protected by nets near the traps.
Three traps will be tested in the culture of turnips under net at the IRDA Organic Agriculture Innovation Platform in 2021:
The best trap will then be tested with producers on diversified organic farms in 2022 and 2023. This project will make it possible to measure the potential of a new method for controlling flea beetles in crucifers grown under nets under organic management.
2.1 Compare the effectiveness of different traps for their ability to trap high densities of flea beetles.
2.2 Measure the risks associated with mass trapping on local crops not protected by nets.
2.3 Test mass trapping in a production context of diversified organic farms.
From 2021 to 2024
Project duration
Market gardening
Activity areas
Organic farming
MAPAQ Prime-vert volet 3.1
The aim of this project was to evaluate the effectiveness of different control strategies.
Researcher: Maryse Leblanc
The effects of crimper-rolled winter rye on striped cucumber.
Researcher: Maxime Lefebvre
Test whether or not commercial strains coated on Nantes carrot seeds can compete with native strains in the soil to colonize the host plant and, once symbiosis takes place, whether they succeed in doing a better job than the native strains during the transition to organic farming.
Researcher: Christine Landry